I had more brides ask about getting disks of images this year than ever before. I'm a strong believer in providing services that customers actually want and will use. So now any photography package or photo and video package comes with the brides choice of a print credit or a CD of 200 images. Let us know what you think of this new offer. Thanks!
Had an excellent week after bridal fair. Had great progress on some video projects, and lots of contacts. Thanks to all the great brides we met with and talked to this week. 2011 dates are going quickly so if you haven't yet get in touch with us soon!
Fun with cross processing and updating the main website. Took a break from editing wedding videos today to update the website with some new vintage style wedding images enjoy.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Part of our demo video we showed a the 94.5 country bridal fair over the weekend.
Had a great weekend at the Topeka Ramada Bridal Fair my feet are a bit sore but all is well. Met some great Brides and had a ton of fun. Thanks to all who stopped by the booth and said hello! Here is a small sample of some of the images we had on display.